Sunday, February 6, 2011

Land of the Free and the Home of the Whopper

To be completely honest I've never written a blog because I always assumed it was sign of acute narcissism to assume that others would want to read what you have to say/write, but I find it cathartic to see my thoughts instead of having arguments with myself at the local bookstore. So for those of you who are expecting more angry rants, I apologize and I may give a few more here and there sans the immense amount of venom in my other blog.

I always enjoy going on Facebook because, believe it or not, I enjoy keeping up with others that I can't simply drive or walk to. I have family in Atlanta, Mobile, and friends all over the world and it's always a joy to see what's going on all the way in Korea or Haiti. One thing I don't enjoy, however, is this new typing trend that seems to be striking it big among those under the 21 year old age mark. Is it bad that it's so bothersome to me that I actually delete people I have connections with? Does that make me a narcissist in and of itself? I don't really know...

I've always considered myself a Grammar Nazi and if you've never heard the term then allow me to explain. A Grammar Nazi, according to the very reliable Urban Dictionary is, "A person who believes proper grammar (and spelling) should be used by everyone whenever possible" I adamantly believe that everyone has a right to express themselves through speech and however else they see fit, but I also believe, equally as adamant, that there is a limit and that it can get out of hand. I think there are standards that should be upheld and I also think that people should know when it's expression of self and expression of ignorance like when a person takes a black and white photo of a swing and thinks it's art...but to assume that I am ultimately right is also a sign of ignorance.

So Deep...

I'm also an ornery, old man who thinks that the new generation is full of morons, but I'm sure that those before me also feel the same way about me. I mean, does this bother you? When I read something like this for instance,

"2 da moviesss with mah babeee hittt me uppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(Actual Status Update)

I can't help but place my forehead into the palm of my hand and form what is professionally known as the  "Facepalm" not to be confused with the "Palm Strike" from Iron Fist Shaolin...I remember when I was a teenager, however, and I used to type LiKe tHis so I am not a spotless lamb in this department. 
Maybe I should just lighten up and just realize that every generation has a different set of rules and is also a different culture altogether. 

This, however, is so ridiculously funny...

When my prior training as a Grammar SS comes bubbling to the surface I usually end my comment with, "This is why the immigrants win." I can see how this could be misconstrued as callous and little racist but I usually say this because I grew up around Korean immigrants and I always remember the kids around me studying like crazy to learn English while I did nothing to learn Korean and always felt like I was better than them because I was fluent in English...that is, until a year later when they were pretty much fluent in both Korean and English and going to Yale and NYU becoming doctors...not joking. With the exception of one of the kids who immigrated from Korea, all of them are either famous musicians or in the Medical Field. Don't get me wrong, I know one or two of my friends from high school that are studying medicine and doing very well, but not in another country with another language to learn.
This Guy isn't Kidding...

That being said, I've always felt a little prideful because I was, in fact, born in America and I've never had to study hard up until college. (You should have seen my first semester) I've never had to worry about much since I've been in the Army either because they take very good care of a guy like me. Are we, as a people, descending into a state of comfortable ignorance? Are we turning a blind eye to the over-saturation of media? I don't know and it's not really my place to rant and call people out. I just wanted the opinion of you, the reader on what you think of what I've been talking about or does this just sound like a passive-aggressive rant? I love my country and I love being the greatest fighting force in the world but unless we learn to use the grammar bestowed upon us by the countless people who've died for our right to speak it, I earnestly believe we will continue to be the laughingstock of those around us and that worries me.

P.S. If you want to read a very good blog I would recommend Going Here, she's one of the coolest Grammar Nazis around.

Remember, this February is buy any footlong at Subway for five tax.

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